Portugal is a country that values its architecture very much. It has many styles, depending on the area of the country, but there is one place where you can find a sample of them all, whether it be small houses, palaces, castles and even monuments. But the difference is that these buildings are on a different scale than normal.

When you visit the center of the country, more specifically the city of Coimbra, you will have the opportunity to experience this experience I am talking about: the theme park. Portugal of the Little Ones. The place shows Portugal in full splendor in miniature.
The park is made up of miniature versions of Portuguese houses and monuments and has pavilions dedicated to former Portuguese colonies. Built by Bissaya Barreto and designed by architect Cassiano Branco, it was inaugurated on June 8, 1940.

Little Portugal, as it is also known, is the oldest theme park in the country. It receives thousands of visitors per year and is a delight for children, but not only for them. Due to its faithfulness to the architecture, it seems as if we are in a typical village. Since the death of its creator in 1974, the park has been maintained by a foundation that bears her name.

If you want more information about this visit that you should put on your agenda when you come to Portugal, take a look at their website here