It's not news that everywhere there are buildings, houses, old factories and the most varied abandoned buildings, is it? In Portugal it is no different. There are many impressive abandoned places across the four corners of the country. Many of these abandoned buildings in Portugal have historical importance, with great value and local and even national relevance.
But why are they abandoned, left to fend for themselves? Among the main reasons are negligence on the part of the owners, carelessness and carelessness on the part of the authorities and the lack of money to recover these properties. Portugal Afora presents you with five incredible places that are abandoned in Portugal.
Dona Chica Castle, located in Braga
Dona Chica Castle was built in 1915 by order of Francisca Peixoto de Sousa, known simply as Dona Francisca or Dona Chica. Born in Brazil and rich, she had several species of trees, shrubs and flowers imported from Brazil to make her castle even more imposing. After his death and without being completed, the castle changed hands several times, which meant that its works dragged on until 1991, when it was finally completed. Even though it has been considered a property of public interest since 1985, the building is deteriorating due to being abandoned due to a legal dispute involving several entities and organizations. A sad end is approaching, unfortunately.

Termas Águas Radium, located in Sabugal
Built in the region of Sortelha, in Guarda, this beautiful and imposing building has been attributed the power of healing. According to legends created by residents of the region, in the place built at the beginning of the 20th century, Don Rodrigo (a Spanish count) cured his daughter of a serious skin disease, using the radioactive waters of the land.
The thermal complex was auctioned and bought by a businessman who wanted to transform it into a luxury hotel. In 2000 it was sold again and the intention remained the same: a luxurious hotel and a golf course and swimming pools, and in a second phase the thermal part would be worked on. Unfortunately, nothing happened, as the investment would be worth millions. It's in ruins.

Hotel Monte Palace, located on the island of São Miguel, Azores
The Hotel Monte Palace de São Miguel, a large building with 88 rooms and opened in 1989, is currently in ruins. Located in one of the most valued spots on the Azorean island, at Miradouro Vista do Rei and in front of Lagoa das Sete Cidades, Monte Palace was the first five-star hotel on the island and employed around 100 people. But it went bankrupt just two years after opening and is abandoned.

Teacher’s House – Oliveira de Azeméis
Quinta do Parreira, or Casa do Professor is another case of built heritage that is in a state of complete abandonment. It is a beautiful romantic-style house, which has had several owners over the years. From the outside it is imposing, resembling a palace, but it is inside that it reveals its architectural beauty. When the owner died, the house ended up in the hands of a distant relative who set the mansion's fate: abandonment.

Seiça Convent, located in Figueira da Foz
Here is an example of imposing construction: the great monastery, built by Dom Afonso Henriques in 1175, in praise of the Virgin Mary due to a miracle received near the chapel of Nossa Senhora de Seiça, in Figueira da Foz, once had days of glory. With the fall of the monarchy in 1910, the monastery was sold to the private sector and changed its function, becoming even a rice husking unit, which operated until 1976, when the building was effectively abandoned.